The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works. Psalm 145:9

Out of God's love, the one triune Deity birthed humanity in their image. Is that not what we do in our relationship with our mate? In our love, as a union of one, we desire another to enhance our love circle. We have children who look like us, who pass down our gene lineage, and who share in our love relationship, and this is what God did. "And God saw everything that He had made, and indeed, it was very good." Genesis 1:31. In the beginning, was love, and in this lies the meaning of life. 

We, humans, separated ourselves from the Divine when we let our flesh win a victory. The sickness of sin infiltrated our hearts and minds. We were ashamed and hid from His love, the meaning of life. Love had not changed, decreased, or moved. It was always there; it's just that our sin blinded us to it. Thus, we scrambled to obtain a love we thought we had lost. 

We made rules, regulations, laws, ceremonies, feasts, and sacrifices. We built a temple so that love could live among us. However, only a handful of select people, on rare occasions, could get close to God. To us, He was aloof, not an approachable, loving God. We did not believe the Lord is good to all and that His tender mercies are over all His works. In our sin-sick minds, God's love was unobtainable. We thought God was only good and merciful to a select few.

God's remedy for our deceived minds came from His perfect, holy love. The one triune God gave of Himself, being born in humans' likeness to be a healing solution for our depravity. Through this sacrifice, we see new life. We realize a wholeness. We need forgiveness with redemption, and He gives it to us. We no longer hide in shame because we understand that the dwelling place of God is now in us. We feed on Christ, who is our tree of life, lifting us from our flesh into His Divine. Revelations 21:3 says, "Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.”

The meaning of life has always been love. God's love never fails. We are the ones who fail to see it. God's love made us. He bestows mercy to us. He dwells in us, covers us, nourishes us, quenches us, and graces us with the meaning of life. Love has never changed from beginning to end, and when we recognize it, we are forever changed. Acknowledging this love is the beginning of our wisdom. (Psalm 111:10) Knowing God's passion is so beyond excellent, great, marvelous, exceptional, extraordinary, and masterfully superb that it can be summed up in God's one little word, "good." It is very good, indeed!

To a good, good God who makes all things right, I forever praise you. Through Christ Jesus, I pray, Amen.

