So live in Christ Jesus the Lord in the same way as you received him. Be rooted and built up in him, be established in faith, and overflow with thanksgiving just as you were taught. Colossians 2:6-7

I personally believe the most important thing in a Christian life is to be grounded. Let me explain. When I was in elementary school, I loved to play tetherball. This consisted of a tall metal pole planted in cement in the ground. Attached to the top of the pole was a long chain that went all the way down to about three feet from the ground. Connected to the chain was a ball. The idea of the game was to get the ball to go around the pole all the way with your opponent trying to do the same thing.

I remember flinging that ball as hard as I could to get it to go around fast and high so that my opponent could not reach it. If the pole had not been rooted in the ground with cement, the game would have been pointless. Also, had the chain and ball not been securely fastened to the pole the game would have been futile. Everything was dependent on being well grounded and connected.  

We as Christians walk through the fires of life, just like those who do not follow Christ. We have many trials and tribulations, but there is one thing that we have. We have Christ Jesus who resides in us at all times. Many times, however, we don’t stay as grounded in Him as we need to be. We fly off the handle, so to speak, and get so preoccupied with outside factors that we do not cling to Him as we should.

Therefore, when a problem arises, we are grasping and flailing, trying to get a good hold on Christ again. Had we been wrapping our arms and legs around Him tightly, even in the good times, then when the storms of life come, we would be secure. We would have peace despite the hurricane surrounding us.

Let your prayer be today, Lord help me each day to stay grounded in You. When you wake in the morning, thank Him. Read the Bible daily. Be quite and listen to His voice. Speak to Him all day. Let everything you see, hear, say, and do, be a reminder of Christ. That’s how we wrap our arms and legs around Him. When we do that, we will be well grounded.

Dear Lord, Help me to always stay grounded in You, and if I start to wander, bring me back. Through Christ Jesus I pray, Amen.
