All the nations that you’ve made will come and bow down before you, Lord; they will glorify your name, because you are awesome and a wonder-worker. You are God. Just you. Psalm 86:9-10

The Platters released a recording of the song "Only You" in 1955. Since then, other artists have recorded this song because of its great melody with beautiful words. The lyrics hold an even deeper message when we change a few words and put God or Christ in for the term "you." 

With a few changes in the lyrics, the words would go something like this: Only God can make this world seem right. Only God can make the darkness bright. Only God and God alone can thrill me as He does and fills my heart with love for everyone. Only Christ can make this change in me. For it's true, He is my destiny. When He holds my hand, I understand the miracle He does. He's my dream come true, my one and only God.

The Psalms are songs to God, and with a few changes, many love songs today could be our songs to God. The Psalmist in today's scripture said basically, "Only you--God, just you, are an awesome wonder-worker." Yes, God is precisely that. God not only makes the world seem right but made it right through His Son. Only God can turn the darkness of our hearts in His light. He thrills us daily with His graceful gifts of mercy. God fills our hearts to overflowing with His bountiful love. 

When we place our trust in Christ and allow Him to hold our hands, He will make an incredible change in us by making our destiny steadfast and sure. He also performs His magic in what we call miracles of changed hearts, forgiven sins, restored souls, and hope eternal. It's a wonder-working dream come true, the reality of the highest, most glorious magnitude when we acknowledge Christ as our Lord and Savior.

There is no other like Christ Jesus, our redeemer, and friend. When we come to God through His Son, Jesus, our world will change, and He will put a new song in our hearts. As the melody to "Only You" plays in your head today, let it be a praise song to Him, because let's face it; there is only one who fills our deepest needs. Raise your voice and sing, "You're my dream come true, my one, and only you!"

Thank you, Father, for being my Wonder-Worker. I love you. Amen
