With many similar parables Jesus spoke the word to them, as much as they could understand. He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything. Mark 4:33-34

In our lives, we can all remember teachers we loved and teachers who were ineffective. With respect, we recollect the teachers where we learned and grew the most. So I searched on-line for the attributes of a good teacher. These are some of the qualities listed: expert communication skills, superior listening skills, in-depth knowledge and passion for the subject matter, the ability to build caring relationships with students, friendliness and approachability, excellent preparation and organization skills, strong work ethic, community-building skills, and high expectations for all.

Recently, I approached Mason, who has much knowledge concerning computer language, to help me with an issue. I may be able to write words, but computer language is another matter. He ended up sending me an example. That was all I needed to learn a particular technique. I thanked him and said, “Example is the best method of teaching.” 

The disciples many times called Jesus, teacher, and rightly so. He fit the criteria of the list that qualifies Him as an exemplary teacher. One of the practical teaching strategies He used was to speak in parables, relatable stories of that time. If Jesus were to have come in this century, His vernacular might have included words using engaging concepts of our time, such as market exchange, computers, modes of transportation, and business development. The parable of the ten virgins and their lamps of oil might have been instead, about ten people with cell phones. Five do not bring their chargers, thus being relatable to our generation.

Jesus had expert communication and listening skills, and He most definitely had caring compassion for all people, not just a select few. The disciples were well-cultivated from the teaching they received, and for centuries to come, we are still learning at the feet of Jesus.

We could all gain wisdom by watching, listening, and following the example of Christ. When we use Christlike teaching strategies, God will open up the ears and minds of some who will hear and understand. We may not reach all people, but acting out our faith in love can point some towards Jesus.

Help me to be a good teacher, just like you, Christ Jesus. Amen
