Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21

Is the power of good greater than evil? Is the power of love greater than hate? As Christians, we are supposed to do these acts of love and goodness, but implementing these strategies can be quite challenging and maybe, at times, impossible. It could be that we doubt the power that we hold.

We know that as Christ-followers, we have Christ in us, but we don't utilize His power. If we thoroughly believed that good had the means to overcome evil, and love was strong enough to eradicate hate, we would be tapping into this power of Christ without hesitation.

We need to look more closely at this power through the cross. God, from His great love, came down to reveal Himself to the world in flesh and blood, represented by the vertical beam of the cross, which stretches from heaven to earth. He extended His arms of love to bring into unity all humankind represented by the horizontal beam.  God's grace poured out on the Jews and Gentiles, women and men, lepers, prostitutes, lawyers, doctors, scholars, and lowly shepherds. If you believe in your exclusion or the exclusion of others, you are not grasping the full power of God's love. 

The horrendous execution of God in the flesh was a sacrifice of enormous magnitude but fully justified our exact need.  Instead of a vengeful God of retribution, we could see through Christ a Father of redemption. We were no longer afraid to approach a God of humility, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, healing, goodness, and love. Yes, God became human so that humans could see God. With the power of Christ in us, we are asked to display His same attributes.

Tap into Christ's power within you. You are part of the cross of Christ and directly plugged into the Godhead. You have the ability to love, even when being hurt by hate. You have the power to overcome evil with Christ's goodness inside you. Believe in God's power of love and use it today.

Christ, my Savior, be the power of love in me for the world. Amen.
