Don't let the immigrant who has joined with the Lord say, "The Lord will exclude me from the people." And don't let the eunuch say, "I'm just a dry tree." Isaiah 56:3

Peter, Barnabus, James, and Paul were warning the new Christians that Jesus did not discriminate between the Jews and the Gentiles. God's love included all people. The church was having difficulties on many levels. They had become complacent in their worship of God by living under the disguise of religiosity. Their idol worship was energetic, and the love and charity to the poor were weak. Also, they were trying to make the "filthy" Gentiles more like themselves, standing on their self-righteous, prideful pedestals of laws. Do these flaws sound familiar in the present day churches?

Many years earlier, God gave Amos a vision of the future to relay to the Northern Kingdom of Israel, a warning found in Amos 9:11-12. God's repair would include all nations. James would later mirror these words to the new Jewish Christians that the message was for all of humanity, including the Gentiles. Acts 15:16-18. Peter also told the church in Acts 15:9, "He (Jesus) did not discriminate between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith."

What would Amos, James, Peter, Barnabus, and Paul tell our present-day churches? Would they say, "Be careful not to become a club of elitism, because this tent of pride will fall?" Jesus touched lepers, ate with sinners, spoke to those possessed with demons, had conversations with prostitutes, and healed the lame, sick, and blind. He physically touched this dirty world of sin to bring healing.

Do certain people feel unwelcomed, like a "dry tree" in today's organized religion? Is the love of Jesus shown through inclusivism? Do we open our church doors to all yet close our hearts to some? Is God's house of prayer indeed for all? Isaiah 56:7b Who is welcome in your church? Let's not be guilty of being a church labeled as "evil-minded judges." James 2:2-4 God's love will pour out to all, even if the human-made gates of religious discrimination are locked. As Christians, we need to decide; will God use me to proclaim His love, or someone else? Remember, one day, God will know us by our love.

Help me, Christ, to remember that you are in me and I in you. Help me through your power to touch all people with your relentless love. Amen
