It was planted in a good soil by great waters, that it might bring forth branches, and that it might bear fruit, that it might be a goodly vine. Ezekiel 17:8

Are you in the midst of great trials and tribulations? Did you know that you are to count these times as a gift? It is easier said than done, although this is what the Bible tells us.
We are to become blessed through these trials, as a vestige of pride, lust, greed, judgmentalism, unforgiveness, and hate give way to Christlike attributes of love, gentleness, patience, kindness, and mercy. 

But how do we become fertile ground to produce these things? Just like a field needs fertilization to make the harvest better, we, too, need this. Unfortunately, one of the best ways to bring about fertilization is manure. The stinky, left-over excrement of animals will help to make the soil better. 

Our pain and suffering may seem like manure. We hate it, but we must keep our eye on the prize. We will become good soil when we are thoroughly doused with fertilizer and watered by the living water. We will be a goodly vine, bringing forth new branches, new leaves, and beautiful luscious ripe fruit, the kind of fruit others will see and want to eat.

Do you want to repel people with nasty, rotten produce or lure people to your enticing fruit, the message of hope for the world? Then let God help you through times of manure in your life. You will be the fertile ground of God.

Dear Father, I do not enjoy the time of manure, but if it makes me more like you, then bring it on. Through Christ, I pray, Amen.
