...I will celebrate before the Lord again! I may humiliate myself even more, and I may be humbled in my own eyes... 2 Samuel 6:21-22

We are all actors on the stage of life to some degree or another. We learn from our parents at a young age, "Don't complain! Stop your crying? Hush-up! Mind your manners! Quit asking so many questions! Be polite!" We have also learned that it's inappropriate to laugh during a funeral or remain seated when the judge enters the court. We have learned to suck it up and be tough, and to laugh at the older man's not-so-funny joke. We have learned to be extra good to our parents when we want something, and not talk back to the referee. We have learned to laugh along with the crowd when we are the brunt of jokes, and sometimes we have learned to go along with the group because it's just easier that way. Yes, we are all actors, and we have learned to hold in our emotions when all we want to do is cry, complain, yell, jump for joy, and be rude once in a while. 

David was delighted when the chest of the Lord entered his city. 2 Samuel 6:16 said, "As the Lord's chest entered David's City, Saul's daughter Michal was watching from a window. She saw King David jumping and dancing before the Lord, and she lost all respect for him."

Michal was not pleased with the way David was acting. She may have been embarrassed for him or thought his actions were inappropriate. She even let him know her thoughts and tried to give David an acting lesson. 2 Samuel 6:20 says, "David went home to bless his household, but Saul's daughter Michal came out to meet him. ‘How did Israel's king honor himself today?’ she said. ‘By exposing himself in plain view of the female servants of his subjects like any indecent person would!’”

David let her know that her snarky words would not impede his worship of God. He even let her know in no uncertain terms that he would do it again and maybe even to a higher degree. 

God knows our hearts even when we are putting on the most prominent act ever. We may hide our tears with anger, but God knows. We may act pious when our hearts are far from God. We may hold our tongues when we need to say something, or we may speak non stop when we need to be still and listen. But the most important thing is that we humble ourselves before God. He knows if we are putting on an act. He will see if we are being haughty or seeking self-gratification instead of Lord glorification, and if you feel like jumping and dancing for joy before the Lord, it's quite alright. 

Dear Lord, We are told in James 4:10, “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” Help my worship not to be only an act, but the very nature of my heart. Through Christ, I pray, Amen.
