In the same way, the Spirit comes to help our weakness. We don’t know what we should pray, but the Spirit himself pleads our case with unexpressed groans. Romans 8:26

My friend was very frustrated and hurt by someone. He confided to me, and because I loved him, I blurted out something snarky in his defense. Later, I found out the hard way that I should have only listened. 

Sometimes it is challenging to know the exact words to say. When the time comes to speak, we are skittish about uttering any words at all. It’s like “I’m in trouble if I say something. I’m in trouble if I say nothing at all.” We are at a loss for words.

God has the right to be angry with us for all the evil things we do daily. When we sin, it is against God. His great love, however, extends forgiveness to us, and He wants us to spill out our hearts to Him. Sometimes we become skittish before the Holy God Almighty. We are fearful that our words will come out all wrong, we will sound stupid, or He will become angry and turn His back on us. Sometimes we think our requests are too trivial for an important God to listen.   

God knows this, and He knows our weaknesses. We don’t always know exactly how to pray, so we use printed prayers, or we recite memorized prayers. These kinds of prayers are beautiful, but God also desires to hear personal words, thoughts, and praise that comes from our hearts. If we speak honestly, we can spill out all those things that may be hindering us from growing in our faith. He knows our thoughts already, and He loves us despite them. He will not punish us for speaking honestly to Him. He may reprimand us and direct us to go in ways we do not want, but we can be sure that He will be with us each step of the way. He does all things for us out of His great love and compassion. He wants the very best for every one of us. 

When we speak to humans, words do matter, but when we talk to God, It’s not the words that matter; it’s the attitude of humble, submissive worship that is a pleasing aroma to God. When we are at a loss for words, the Holy Spirit will plead our case even when we are at a loss for words.

Dear Father, Thank you for listening to all our prayers, even when we are at a loss for words. Through Christ Jesus, I pray, Amen.
