This is the confidence that we have in our relationship with God: If we ask for anything in agreement with his will, He listens to us. 1 John 5:14

Several of us were on the beach that day, and how we could have lost sight of our sweet little granddaughter was unimaginable. The beach was crowded with throngs of people, and she would never be able to match the strength of the forceful waves. All I could see was the magnitude of danger for our little one. I fell to my knees and asked God to find her. Immediately, she was rescued. I praised God for answered prayers.

It has never failed, and today was another example of God listening to my prayers. I lost something quite important. I had already searched the house, my purse, and even called the lost and found at the last place I visited but to no avail. I got on my knees and asked God if He would help me. Immediately, in His still small voice, He said, “Go back and look in your washing machine again.” I had already looked, but I have learned in the past when God speaks, obey. I looked for the second time in the machine, and there it was my lost item. In great relief, I thanked God for listening to my plea. I do not believe these answered prayers are coincidences.

Another time I asked God for healing for someone who was not with me. I knew the Lord healed the centurion's servant and the woman’s daughter without even touching them. If we are to have the same powers of Christ in us, are we not tapping into Him as we should? God has answered this prayer also. He has done this on numerous occasions. 

There truly is a dialog that transpires between the Lord and His children. It’s just a matter of taking time to clear our fretful minds and speak to Him. He is wonderful at listening to us, and we, in turn, need to be tuned to hear His sweet voice. Prayer is not a one-way dialog.

God may not answer all prayers in such profound ways, but it can be known, without a doubt, that He listens. He will eventually answer if the request is within His will. Make your appeal to God,  then be quiet and listen. God will do His work of peace in your heart no matter what the outcome. When Jesus was on this earth, He displayed His powers. He still uses that same power through us today.

Thank you,  Father God, for still displaying your miracles. Hear our prayers and help us to listen to your answers. Through Christ Jesus, I pray, Amen.
