Our human parents disciplined us for a little while, as it seemed best to them, but God does it for our benefit so that we can share his holiness.  Hebrews 12:10

When we purchase a product it becomes ours. We would never purchase something that is ugly, dingy, dirty, stained, tattered or torn unless we could see the potential of making the worn-out item like new. This is exactly what Christ did the day He gave His life as an atonement for our sins. We were more-than-used products, yet He took pride in us and knew our potential of becoming something new and usable. While we were ugly, He paid a high price out of His great love to reclaim us as His own.

Salvation occured the moment we were in His hands, but the process of sanctification takes a lifetime of work on His part and a willingness on ours. Becoming holy, set apart, pure from cleansing, being blessed and consecrated are all the things that make up sanctification. Sanctification started with a crucifixion, and we as victims of sin could not crucify ourselves. We were imperfect people, and the cost would take a perfect Holy one. Jesus, the spotless lamb, paid the purchasing price. However, we do allow Christ to crucify our stubborn, willful hearts by His graceful hand of discipline.

Christ takes us and begins His work of sanctification in us. We are allowed pressures, pain, and problems in our lives to help cleanse, mend, and smooth out the rough spots. Hebrews 12:11 says, “No discipline is fun while it lasts, but it seems painful at the time. Later, however, it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness for those who have been trained by it.”

Willingly submit to the training process of Christ. It may hurt a little, but we can fully trust the one who loves us more than any other. He does it for our benefit so that we can share in His holiness. In the end, we will be beautifully crafted in His likeness. He declared us righteous by His justification, but we are made righteous by His work of sanctification in us.

Sanctify me, Oh Lord, with the work of Your hands on my life, my heart, and my soul. In Christ Jesus I pray, Amen.
