See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 1 John 3:1

The word “prodigal” is not really used much these days unless one is talking about the infamous “prodigal son” in the Bible. And really, he was a fictitious figure that Jesus used in one of His many parables. Read Luke 15:11-32. This is one of the favored parables because it is relatable. However, I looked up the word prodigal, and there is both a negative and a positive definition. Did you know that we, as Christians, serve another Prodigal Son?

Why would I refer to Christ as prodigal? The answer is the positive definition of this word: Having or giving something on a lavish scale. God lavished His gift to us by giving Himself to us in the form of flesh and blood. His name was Jesus. I know of no other god who has done this. Do you not think this extravagant?

Many may hear the word “deity” and think in terms of a monarchal being, but The Living God, the Creator of the Universe, became one of us. This suddenly makes Him very personal, like a papa or daddy which is why we call Him Abba Father. He was also like the nurturing mother, referring to being like a hen that wants to gather her chicks under her protective wing. Do you not think this extravagant?

He becomes our perfect parent, the lover of our soul, the protector, and the provider. He is the living water, the way, the truth, and the light. He truly is the Supreme Being, but He is also the righteous prodigal Son who left His throne in glory to lavish us with a gift we did not deserve. This is the Son who did His Father’s will and lived righteously. This is the kind of Son we crave and we need.  He loved us to His death, only so we can have life and can be called His children. I ask a third time, “Do you not think this extravagant?”

Thank you, Father God, for lavishing us with your gift of love through Christ Jesus. Amen
