A third time Jesus said, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” John 21:17

Many years ago my boyfriend ask me, “Jenny, will you marry me?” My response was dependent on the answer to this question: “Did I love him?” I wrestled with this because I really did not know what love was. In my young mind I was thinking that love was a butterfly feeling in the pit of the stomach--a deep emotion which involved attraction. Although this can be true, I realized that love was much more. Love was also action.

Our pastor once asked, “How do you express love?” He then read some examples given by children. Their answers were really quite cute, but I noticed one common factor. Each definition required a bond-desired relationship. Christ Jesus came in the flesh as a personification of God’s love. He was very much into relationships.

Christ physically touched mankind and caused a great healing by His sacrificial blood. The broken fellowship caused by our sin nature was repaired and made new. Now our companionship with the Creator is one of an Abba (Papa) Father. Instead of laws and sacrifices through a priest, we can approach the throne of God as an adopted child.  

We do not even have to wonder if God loves us because He showed us. His was love in action. Now it’s time that we show our love back to Him. If we desire to be in His company at all times, want to live in His will, and are willing to be a servant by taking care and bringing others to Him, then we are exhibiting love.

Someday, we may face Jesus and He may ask us, “Do you love me?” Just like Peter, we may say, “Lord, You know all things. You know that I love you.” His response may be, “Did you take care of my sheep?” Only God will know the true answer. He took action by showing love to us; now we must show, by our actions, our love for Him.

I ended up answering my boyfriend’s question with the answer, “Yes.” John and I will soon be celebrating our 50th anniversary. Our love is a work in action.

Help me Lord, to love You with all my heart, mind, and soul. Amen.
