He was numbered with the transgressors. Isaiah 53:12

The word of God--who was in the past, who is now, and who will be in the future--came in human form to this earth to be numbered with all the transgressors. This includes all of us, For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23.

We had a warrant out for our arrest. We were guilty of the crimes. There was a large bounty placed on our heads. Jesus, God in the flesh, knew no sin, but He became the sin when He poured out His soul to death. He bore our iniquities. All the chastisement that we deserved, He took on himself. All the pain and agony we deserved, He bore. He stepped in and took our place the penalty that we deserved, paid the price for our warrant, pronounced us not guilty, and set us free.

Has any other pagan god done this for the human race? Why would God even do this for us? He did this through His great love and compassion. He remembers that we are made of the dust of the ground. He looked on us as His little chicks, wanting to desperately take us under His wing of protection. He yearns for this, especially when He sees the evil wolf ready to pounce.

His voice calls us to come to Him, and some will listen. They will accept Him for who He proclaims to be. They will find safety under His wing of refuge. Now they are not only protected, but are totally forgiven, and the slate of sin is wiped clean. They are counted as adopted children of God. They reap all the benefits of having a Holy, Almighty God as their Abba Father.

Jesus was numbered with the transgressors so that we would be numbered with the redeemed. Claim that redemption, that peace, that love, that wonderful grace of forgiveness. There is no other way, no earthly pleasure, or no other god who can advocate for us but Christ Jesus. The wolf is there and has already pounced. He has inflicted us with lost hopes, the sickness of sin, prideful attitudes, and lustful hearts.  Let Jesus be the new creation of your heart, mind, and soul. His hands, His side, His feet have borne the markings of our sin. Now He bids you to come to Him to be justified by His blood and numbered as one with Him.

Dear Jesus, Forgive me of my sin. I come now to receive your forgiveness. Thank you for becoming one of us, so that we could become one with You. Through Christ I pray, Amen.
