Treat others the same way you want them to treat you. Luke 6:21

This is a little bit of a tricky verse in the Bible. Many times the way we treat ourselves is deplorable. We pull out our hair, cut our bodies, bite our nails to the quick, hit ourselves, and  look in the mirror and call the person we see, ugly, fat, stupid. We stuff our faces with food, starve ourselves, or make ourselves vomit. We let the surgeon cut away, trim, and tighten up. We undermine, second guess, worry, and seldom feel we are good enough. We are underwhelmed. We need to ask ourselves this question, “Would God want me to treat others the way I treat myself?”

I wonder if we could change our view and see ourselves through the eyes of Christ, if we would realize that we wouldn’t even want another person treating us the way we treat ourselves. However, some of us think we deserve the abusive words of others. Our self-esteem is so low that we agree with the taunting and degrading dialog that is being hurled our way.

Maybe we need to step back from the “myself mentality”. The best way to show mercy to me is by looking at Christ. We change our focus from inward to outward. He can change our hearts and minds to view things differently. We will know His mercy, we will feel His mercy, and we will become His mercy for ourselves and for others.

I know that if I love myself the way God loves me, then I would love others in the way that I should. I would constantly be reminded that He forgives me over and over again. I would see His gifts He lavishes on me daily. I would realize His patience in molding me and making me into His likeness. I would finally see with clear eyes this one thing: if I want to show mercy to others, I need to first let God--mercy me.  

Treating others the way you want to be treated is great if you love what God has created in you. We need to not only act love but become love to all people including the “me” He created.  Jesus told us to love God and love others; this includes yourself.

Dear Jesus, I tap into your love. Now fill me and let it pour out to the world. Amen
