And the King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.'  Matthew 25:40

I had just finished my early morning devotional readings and my prayers. My cup ran over with God’s goodness and mercy. I flung out one last request in my prayer, “What task do you have for me today dear Lord? I am your servant.”

The phone rang almost immediately. I answered. On the other end of the line I heard a recognizable voice of an elderly man from our church. With shaky urgency he made a plea, “Jenny come help me.”

I really did not know the extent of God’s response to my request, but I was actually honored that the Master of the Universe heard my prayer. It was a privilege to work for the King of Kings. With haste,  I arrived at the elderly man’s house to find him twisted like a pretzel in his bed. I knew immediately something was desperately wrong. After convincing him to being transferred to the hospital, we received the diagnosis. He had suffered a stroke.

The aged man had no living relatives. He had never married and was an only child from parents with no siblings. There were no cousins, aunts, uncles, siblings, or children. I can’t imagine a life with no earthly relatives, but he knew that I was his sister in Christ. God could use me and others to fill the void of relatives. We would be his brothers and sisters in Christ.

I and another person became his legal guardians. We loved him. We visited, cared for him, listened to him, encouraged him, sang songs to him, prayed for him, and stroked his bald head. We celebrated, as best that we could, his 80th birthday in the hospital. Eventually,  his health deteriorated, and the old man finished his earthly existence, to journey into the arm of Jesus.

Be prepared for a response when you ask the Lord, “What may I do for you today?” His task for you may be small or large, easy or difficult, pleasant or undesirable. His mission for you may take forever, or months, or weeks, or an hour, or just a moment. Be opened to His still sweet voice saying, “Yes, this is your assignment for me.” We know that any deeds we accomplish in love is synonymous with our direct performance for Christ. We can count it as such joy to be employed by the Master and King of the Cosmos.

Dear Lord, What task have you for me today? In Christ Jesus I pray, Amen
