Jesus went into towns, cities, and farms around that area. And every place he went, the people brought sick people to the marketplaces. They begged him to let them touch any part of his coat. And all those who touched him were healed.  Mark 6:56
Waiting in a doctor’s office to be seen by the doctor can be trying at times, especially if you have a sick, feverish child who is crying. Sometimes, there is nothing to console them from their pain. After an hour of waiting turns into two, you and your child are exhausted. The glorious words of the nurse when she finally appears from behind closed doors is, “The doctor will see you now.”
We are all in need of a doctor, but first we must recognize that need. Do we feel the pain inside our heart? Do we realize a longing for something other than what life has to offer? Do we admit the guilt of sin?
After observing our need, then we need to select from where we will receive help. Some will choose alcohol, or drugs to ease the suffering. Some will choose yoga or meditation. Some will choose sex, or relationships. Some will lose themselves in books to escape reality. Some can even choose church volunteering to stay so busy, there is no time to recognize the deep need of their heart.
The only way to be made spiritually whole is to come to the Great Physician, Jesus Christ. Jesus did many healings while in his short ministry, and we still have direct contact with Him through prayer. We may not be guaranteed a healing from our physical, or mental illness, however, He WILL heal us spiritually. That is 100% guaranteed.
The remedy for our sick souls is Jesus. Other ways may bring temporary relief, but for the true cure, Jesus is the answer. When we call on Him, there is no wait. He immediately comes into our heart, cleanses us from all sin, and places a new heart within us.
If you recognize your need, don’t delay. Call on Jesus today. The Doctor is ready to see you now, right where you are.  

Dear Father, Thank you for sending your son Jesus, who is our Great Physician. In His name I pray, Amen.
