Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers. Romans 12:13

Dave is a member of our church. He has a limited vocabulary due to his mental deficit, but he always 
greets me with a big smile and his one favorite word, "Boo!" When Dave says that one word to me, 
my world feels good, because I feel at home. He does not even realize the joy he brings to me, just 
by his presence. He may never be able to quote the Lord's Prayer, or sing a song, or give a speech, but I personally would not feel as if our church would be complete, without him. I love Dave and I think 
most people feel the same way.

I remember when we first moved to Texas, we joined a mega church. The congregation was so 
large, that each service I attended was a different set of new faces. I joined the choir thinking that 
would help, but the choir was over 200 people. I remember missing all my friends at home, and 
mostly I missed seeing just one familiar face. I felt lost in that great big church.

Many may feel as if they have nothing to contribute to a church. We feel we have limited talents,
and we may be too shy to speak, but just being there, saying hello, shaking a hand, or giving a hug
might accomplish wonders for the person sitting next to us. the Bible says that we are supposed to
entertain strangers, because we never know, we might be unaware that we are being hospitable to an
angel. No matter how small our capabilities, we can always be faithful and show kindness to others.
Soon, a newcomer feels welcome when they see that one familiar face, to make it more like home.

Dave does not understand the ministry he has, even though his words are restrictive in size. He does
not see that his limitations do not stop the limitless nature of God in him. God uses Dave in a 
special way, unique only to him. His gift to me is his form of hospitality as he faithfully makes me 
feel at home with that great big smile, and that one word, "Boo!"

Dear Father God, I thank you for people who show us your hospitality. In Christ I pray, Amen
