But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us.  Ephesians 2:13-14

We live in an angry, hostile world. Many people, live their lives, with their blinders on, and their earplugs in their ears. Even in our passive state, we are showing some signs of aversion to others, in a nonaggressive manner.  We are content to live far off, in our own world, without anyone infringing on our space. We want our opinion heard, but we are more than disinterested in the opinions of others, in fact, we are anywhere from mildly annoyed to highly irate if someone’s stance is not aligned with ours.

Why are we so angry? Is it because we are stimulated to the maximum with things and gadgets? Is it because we are overworked, overbooked, and in a constant hurry? Is it because we have wants that are bigger than our pocketbooks? Is fear or guilt motivating us? Are we feeding on the anger surrounding us?

I think all of these things attribute to our constant agitated state of mind, which is why we shove our earplugs in, to escape this world. What the root of the issue boils down to, is a lack of peace. Instead of earplugs, we can tap into the continual current of peace, by coming to Christ, who shed His blood for us. When we accept His gift of salvation, we become one with Him. His gift of peace will help break down the dividing walls we have erected. We will experience an inner calm, as we have never known it before.

We will not be afraid to remove our earplugs, and actually look around, and listen to others. We can see others through the forgiving lens of Jesus Christ. Soon we see someone with a different opinion, not a threat, but as a child, loved by God. We will relax in the forgiveness God has bestowed to us, and in turn will be able to freely transfer that merciful love to others.

Accept His seed of peace. Let it grow in your life, and then plant a seed to help grow a whole crop of peace in this world, though Jesus Christ.

Dearest Father of Peace, Thank you for bringing us your peace, through the sacrifice of Jesus. Amen
