Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered the king, “Nebuchadnezzar, we don’t need to explain these things to you. If you throw us into the hot furnace, the God we serve can save us. And if he wants to, he can save us from your power. But even if God does not save us, we want you to know, King, that we refuse to serve your gods. We will not worship the gold idol you have set up.”

Daniel 3:16-18

I was doing my daily walk in the morning at a local park. I always enjoy seeing other bike riders, runners, and walkers. On this particular day I saw a man going around the track with a walker. He did it not just once, but twice while I was there. No telling how many times he went around, before I arrived. I was so impressed that when I reached him, I caught his attention and said, “You sir, are an inspiration.”

He then proceeded to tell me his story. He said that in 1994 he had brain surgery on a tumor behind his eye. It left him with an equilibrium issue, so walking helped. He went on to say that the day of the surgery, was a day he will never forget because his life was forever changed.

He made a deal with God the day of the surgery. He said, “God, if you will let this not be cancer, I will turn my life around and serve you.” When he woke from his surgery he heard a voice say, “A deal is a deal.” He was in and out of consciousness, but heard a knock at the door. When he said, “Come in,” a man approached whom he had never seen before, and introduced himself as a pastor, asking if he could pray for him. He prayed, then left. He told me that he thought it was a dream.

God had answered Shadrach’s prayer, and the tumor was benign. He was reminded of the deal he made with God. After recuperating, he went to church. When he went through the doors, there stood the very preacher that had come to visit him in the hospital.

After telling me his intriguing story, I asked him, “What is your name?”  He politely answered, “Shadrach! You know, like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.” And with a huge smile he said, “I have never been the same since. I gave up smoking, drinking, and started going to church. I have been serving the Lord ever since that day.”

I asked if I could take his picture and write a devotional telling his story. With that same wide smile, he replied, “Yes!” So this is the story of the day I met Shadrach. He told of how he went through a fiery furnace of sorts, and came out on the other side, healed and cleansed. The tumor was gone, and so was the dirt and grime in his spiritual life due to the cleansing power of Jesus. Shadrach has a balance problem, yet his spiritual life is in perfect balance.

The Bible tells of three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who refused to worship the golden idol, which was ordered by king Nebuchadnezzar. Refusal meant death in a furnace of fire. These men did not know if they would come unscathed on the other side of the furnace experience, but they stood firm in their decision to serve the true God.

The Shadrach that I met, takes steps with perseverance, holding onto that walker. With endurance, He also walks in determinate faith that the Lord is holding him by his hand. Shadrach chose Jesus. Choose today, whom you will serve.

Dear Jesus, I choose you today! Amen
