He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.

Isaiah 40:11

I have spent many hours in a rocking chair, rocking my babies to sleep, and continue to do so today.  This is a time I enjoy. The world seems to stop around me. The room it quiet and dark, with my sweet baby safely tucked in my arms. As the baby becomes calm, a tranquil spirit fills my heart. Soon the pacified baby becomes heavy as each muscle relaxes, and I feel the sweet slow paced breaths on my neck, of an infant who is in deep sleep. It’s a wonderful thing for me.

I remember on one particular night, with my fifth and last baby, I was rocking my Jonathan to sleep. As I rocked, and softly sung to him, I wrote this poem in my head. I knew that Jonathan felt safe, secure, and loved. He could let his body melt into the rhythm of my swaying arms. His eyelids would become heavy. He knew it was okay to let go, and give into the rest his body needed. It was a wonderful thing for him.

Not everyone had a mother who rocked them to sleep. Some have missed out on being snuggled, and loved. We all yearn for the sweet touch of a mother or father. We want to feel safe in the arms of one who loves us completely. We know that there, we can finally find the security to close our eyes and rest. We all need this.

This quiet place of safety can be found through Jesus Christ. He loves us so much. He wants to scoop us up in His arms, and love us into sweet abandonment. He longs for us to surrender fully to Him, like a baby which succumbs to sleep in protective loving arms. Jesus is sweetly calling, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 Can you hear His voice?

Are you weary with life? Don’t you deserve some rest? Don’t you want to be held in loving arms? Surrender to Jesus today, and He will fill all your needs. It will be a wonderful thing for you.

Dear Jesus, Yes, I want to be held in your loving arms. I come to you now. Amen
