Do we think are prayers should be,

So eloquent and long?

Or beautiful singing words,

Inside a lovely song?

Do we puff with awful pride,

When fancy prose we utter,

Or have a perfect outline,

So our words will not be cluttered?

Do we check our outlined sheet,

Our praises first to send?

And also making sure that we

Pray for our self at end?

Or do we beat upon our chest,

To ask for His forgiveness?

And stop our many fancy words,

To take the time to listen.

Maybe there is just a chance

That God can read our mind,

As quickly as the thought goes by,

Our messages He’ll find.

No need to practice or rehearse,

Forget the words we say,

And open up our heart to Him,

Our love to Him display.

It doesn’t matter what we say,

Our plain words will be fine,

If we send our love to Him,

In prayer mode all the time.
