Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. 1 John 4: 11-12

It can be a difficult thing, to believe in God whom we cannot see, when we live in a world where we depend on our senses: sight, touch, smell and sound. Some days are very refreshing. We may have blue skies, majestic scenery, and a beautiful sunset. Some touch is wonderful: a soft blanket, a baby’s cheek, or a rose petal. Some smells are heavenly: fresh baked bread, after a rain, or the scent of a flower. Some sounds are wonderful: music, a child’s giggle, or the warbling of a bird. On these occasions it is easy to get a glimpse of God’s glory without seeing His face.

However, there are times that are not so nice. The sight of garbage that has been dumped on the side of the road. The touch of a thorn pricking your finger. The smell of a rotten egg. The sound of hateful words directed at you. During these times, the ugly times of our lives we wonder, “Where is God?”

God is still there, even amongst the ugly times. We need to remember that, and not so easily turn our backs on Him when times are rough. At these very times, we need Him most.

Believing, takes faith. It’s not something that can be dependent on our outward senses. This is an inward, conscience knowledge of the heart. Feeling is not involved in this process.

There are things we can do to keep our faith strong:

1.       Just like your car needs to be refilled with gas to keep running, we too, need to be filled daily. Staying in His word, praying/listening to God, and asking for more of the Holy Spirit.

2.       Be His instrument. Receive His love daily and let it spill out to others. Forgive as He forgives.

3.       Do not grow weary. We must persevere, by the strength of the Holy Spirit, to do His works even during the bad times or when we think it is hopeless.

If you have accepted God and His gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, you have His Holy Spirit dwelling in you. We must be the arms that wrap around someone who needs His love. We must be the sound, which confesses with our tongues, the Savior, to those who need to hear. We must be the eyes, searching to and fro for those who need the help of God. We must emit a sweet aroma of God in this world of stench. We must be His light to illuminate the darkness.

We may not see God now, but we, who know Him, are the only God that others can see. Can they see God in us?

Dear Father, Thank you for the indwelling of your Holy Spirit. Use me to share you with this world. Amen
