Dear Father of All,

You are the great and mighty one. The only true, honest, loving, forgiving, justice giving, creator of all mankind. We humbly come before your throne, realizing our own faults and weaknesses. It is only by your grace of your sacrifice through your Son Jesus Christ, that we can boldly come before you with our petitions. We are forever grateful and indebted to you.

So in this vein, we come and specifically pray for our president of the United States of America. We ask that you will be so present in his life that he cannot ignore your voice. We pray that you will help him humbly ask for forgiveness asking for Jesus to be his Master, Lord and Savior. Help him realize his insignificance apart from you. Help him to never be puffed up in himself, but be subjected to the higher authority, which is in you.

Help him to never make a decision without consulting you. We pray that before he signs any papers, passes any bills, places others in leading roles, or makes any decisions, that he will stop and consult you. Let his agendas ultimately be yours. Help him to do all things through Christ, who will strengthen him. 
Help him realize, now more than ever, his need to be on his knees and in your word. There on his knees, give him the rest that you provide by making him to lie down in your green pastures. In your word, give him renewal by leading him beside your still waters. Restore his soul by helping him to submit all things into your guiding hands. Put a guard on his tongue, to speak only words you would have him speak. Let him be your vessel; filled with your Holy Spirit.

Help him, through the guiding of the Holy Spirit, to love people, as he has never loved before. Help him to love as you have loved; loving others more than himself. Let that love so consume him that any seeds of prejudice will be removed. Help him to never forget to forgive others, by your love, as you have forgiven him.  Help your love to grow within him, to the point that he would even be willing to sacrifice his life for the lives of others.

Help him to realize the gravity of his status and that apart from you he is incapable of doing anything. Help him to realize that the scepter he was handed, could be easily removed with one swift stroke of your brush.  Keep him forever humble before your throne, reminding him that this was a gift; never be taken for granted. Help him not to brag in his accomplishment, but to boast in yours.

Lead him into your paths of righteousness, for your name sake. Guide, guard and protect him. Let him rule from his faith, not his fear. Anoint his head with your holy oil. Fill him with your goodness, until his cup overflows to all Americans.
Let your goodness and mercy guide our country while in the watch of this president. Help our country to turn away from our wickedness and seek you, by also getting on our knees and in your word. Help us to lift up our president in prayer and keep us accountable to this cause.

In Your Holy Name we pray,

