Written by:  Jenny Calvert

Job, stop for a minute and listen. Think about the wonderful things God does. Do you know how God controls the clouds? Do you know how he makes his lightning flash? Do you know how the clouds hang in the sky? This is just one of the amazing works of the one who knows everything. Job 37:14-16 (ERV)

I literally saw a bird hit the wall today. I was on my sister’s back porch early in the morning. I was enjoying the cooler weather and the birds were singing their beautiful little melodies. I happened to look up at the exact moment that a bird flew right into the house wall. It immediately fell to the ground. I quickly got up and went to the window to get a closer look but the bird was already gone. I am assuming the he was fine. He had just been stunned.

A familiar expression, “It’s like hitting a wall,” has a connotation of meaning that you have come to the end.  You have tried all avenues and you can’t seem to reach a conclusion or a finality of the situation. There are times in our lives when we are trying to solve a problem or a mystery and suddenly we are brought to a halt. We are stunned. For a while, we cannot move, think or even react. It’s during those times when God reaches down, picks us up and helps us to start all over again. Sometimes we are brought to a halt so that we can see more clearly that we were looking in the wrong direction.

Job had been getting ill advice from his friends. Job was stunned and confused as to why he found himself in such a dire situation. His friends were of no use. He had hit his brick wall. God brought Job to an abrupt halt and told him to stop and listen to Him.

God had a plan for Job and God has a plan for us. The walls we reach in our lives are actually blessings in disguise. They make us stop, look to God, listen for His answers, become renewed in strength and determination, and become better equipped to face life’s situations.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for making us stop at times so that we will have to pay attention to your directions in life. Help us to really listen to what you have to say.

In His Name,

