The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. Hebrews 1:3
Emojis are pictures that replace words or emotions. I often use the thumbs-up emoji to let the recipient know that I am good with their texts. To my loved ones, I usually finish a string of texts with a heart emoji. It represents my love. We now have emojis for just about anything: anger, sadness, confusion, or surprise, along with foods, animals, sports, musical instruments, etc. These little pictures represent our words, objects, and feelings. We even now have Bitmojis that we can create to look somewhat like us.
When God sent His Son to this earth, this was nothing like an emoji or a Bitmoji, but Jesus was the exact representation of His being. God’s radiant glory, manifested in His Son, produced His words, His actions, His will through Jesus. There was no guesswork of our knowing God because everything Jesus did was lived out through the power of God Himself, in Christ.
If one wants to know God, all that is needed is Jesus Christ found present in the pages of the New Testament and prophesied in the pages of the Old Testament. From the Bible, we get the picture; however, seeing the image is not enough. We must believe, humble ourselves before Him, and follow Him because this is the only way we can understand and know God in a personal manner. We will have the Son (the exact representation of God) in us--revealing Himself to us.
As a Christian, we become a representation of Christ Jesus to the world. Unfortunately, unlike Jesus, who knew no sin, we do mess up and sin. As long as we desire to know God better, desire to love Him with greater passion, and love others more profoundly, God will mold us to enhance and magnify Himself through us.
Thank you, Father God, for being an exact representation of Yourself in Your Son. Amen.
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