I am the living bread that came down out of heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread also which I will give for the life of the world is My flesh. John 6:51

My husband and I have cut back drastically on our intake of bread for several reasons. However, there is one particular restaurant that serves warm loaves of crusty bread. The aroma alone draws us to give in; we let down our resistance and splurge. When we break the bread into pieces, the moist warm center causes steam to rise in the air. Since we have gone that far, we lather on the whipped butter, and our taste buds awaken with a surprise from this disallowed treat.

Bread is wonderful; in fact, one company named their bread “Wonder Bread.” I got to tour the factory when I was a little girl. I will never forget the heavenly scent of hundreds of fresh-baked loaves. When the tour concluded, we each received a packaged slice of bread and a Wonder Bread pencil. I believe almost every student on that tour immediately ate their piece of bread. We could resist no longer.

Jesus broke bread for a hungry crowd of people. Even though there were only a few loaves to feed thousands of people, yet in the end, baskets were full of the left-over remainders. In the hands of Jesus, it was more than enough. Jesus also broke bread with his disciples and told them that it represented his body broken for them. 

God gave the Israelite children bread from heaven to feed them for forty years in the wilderness. It was more than enough to sustain life. God, the Father, gives all people the real bread through His Son, Jesus. Could one broken body be enough for the whole world? In the hands of Jesus, it was, and it is. One man, one sacrifice, one death, and one resurrection gives us one pardon and oneness with God for eternity for all people, past, present, and future. 

The bread has come. Can we smell the sweet aroma of the broken bread of love, forgiveness, and redemption? We refuse to admit the truth and validity of the fact that something we need is missing in our lives. When we resist no longer, we will taste and see the truth. Our taste buds will awake with surprise at the best treat ever. We will wonder, “What took us so long?”

Thank you, Jesus, for being the broken bread of life for us. Amen.
