If I take the wings of the dawn, If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea, Even there Your hand will lead me, And Your right hand will lay hold of me. Psalm 139:9-10

Ruppell's griffon vulture is known for being one of the highest-flying species of birds, being seen at the same altitude as an airplane at 37,000 feet. One of the deepest known species of the ocean is the Marina snailfish found five miles down. So these two creatures can be a distance of twelve miles from each other. On land, that does not seem too far, yet when speaking of heights and depths, it is monumental. The pressure alone would kill a human being at a depth of the Marina snailfish, as well as the lack of oxygen at the lofty heights of the Ruppell's griffon vulture. 

Psalm 139:9-10 tells us that even these extreme heights and depths cannot separate us from the hand of God. It is a poetic description of the mighty love of God reaching out to us. The preceding verse uses another analogy, "If I ascend to heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there." Even though Sheol is not the place that we call hell, it refers to a place of rest after our physical death. We could, however, still equate it to the extreme differences between heaven and hell. We think that a hell is a place where God is not, but this scripture says otherwise.

We recently grieved over someone who sunk to the deepest despair of hopelessness and ended his life. I wished that when he reached this place, which seemed absent of light and hope, he would have grasped the reality of God's ever-present love. Scripture advocates that there is no place where God's love is not, including the depths of the Marina snailfish and the heights of the Ruppell's griffon vulture. Also, there is no sickness, mental or physical, that can eradicate God's love. 

The rule of three says we can live for three weeks without food, three days without water, and three minutes without oxygen. We will never live one second without God's love. God comes to us in His threesomes: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. He promises us several things, three of which are, we are never alone, never unknown, or never unloved. Trust God's love with your heart, mind, and soul. No matter where we are, God's love is there.

Dear Father, Thank you for knowing me, loving me, and for never leaving me alone. I love you. Amen.
