God sent redemption for his people; God commanded that his covenant last forever. Holy and awesome is God’s name! Psalm 111:9

It was an illness that almost took my life. My heart medication caused toxicity that thoroughly infiltrated my lungs. After a month of hospitalization, I was released on high levels of steroids and oxygen for several months as my lungs repaired. Once I was strong enough, sitting idle was not for me. I went on an “at-home mission.” The mission was to sew quilts for my children and grandchildren for the next Christmas. Eleven full-size quilts and two baby quilts, if timed correctly, would be one a month to reach my goal.

I started choosing patterns. Then came the task of selecting the fabric with just the right design and color. Next would be cutting the tiny pieces and sewing them together. Little small pieces now transformed into larger blocks until I was able to piece all the assembled blocks together. Now I had a quilt top. I would buy the batting and the back fabric and send it to my friend who had a long-arm machine to do the quilting.

When it came back to me, I had to make the binding, sew it on, and hand-stitch the binding to the back. The finishing touch was a small tag stitched in the bottom corner. The label had the name of the receiver and my name as the maker and giver of the quilt. When Christmas arrived, I felt like I had made more than just quilts. I was giving a piece of myself wrapped in a labor of love. 

God’s gift to us at Christmas was His great labor of love wrapped in flesh and blood as a baby named Jesus. He was born of a virgin, lived as a human with humans. He experienced temptations, pain, and emotional hurts. He died on the cross to redeem us from our sin-sick state. He rose again to be victorious over death and the grave. His signature, the cornerstone of our salvation, was written in His blood. The gift has our name on it. His plan was meticulously pieced together with each one of us individually in mind. There is no more magnificent present than the one He offers you today. This Christmas, say yes to His priceless gift.

Yes, Jesus, I accept this wonderful gift. Thank you for your amazing love. Amen.
