Has this house, which is called by My name, become a den of thieves in your eyes? Behold, I, even I, have seen it," says the LORD. Jeremiah 7:11
I watched a video clip that someone posted online. This person had a hidden camera on his/her front doorbell. The clip showed two teenage boys stealing two delivered boxes from off the porch. The caption read, "Does anyone recognize these kids?" I thought to myself, "Why do people do these kinds of things?"
But then again, we do this more than we think. We might not go onto someone else's property to steal something, but we do allow the thief to come and take what is not rightfully his. Allowing a thief entry is the same as committing the crime yourself.
God paid a high price to give us the gifts of grace. By the life and death of Jesus Christ, we are now the holy temple of God Almighty. However, we let little sins, like a thief, creep in the back door to rob us. He may take away our joy and gentleness, rob us of peace or kindness, remove our sound mind or our mercy and love. There are many valuable things to be taken from our body’s sacred temple.
We have the power of God in us to keep the door locked on His temple, but we sneaked to the door and unlocked it. We tuned into the knock instead of God's voice. We turned away from God to approach the door. We didn't love ourselves enough to keep the door closed. We hoped God wasn't watching, but the Lord says, "Behold, I, even I, have seen it." To the question, "Why do people do these kinds of things?" I have asked myself, "Why did you do that, Jenny?" I am ashamed to say that it was a moment of weakness, giving in to temptation. God knows that I was weak. So the root cause was and is a lack of strength in the Lord. Fortification requires keeping our eyes on Him, keeping our ears tuned to His voice, and remaining in His love. His powerful love will blockade the entry for a den of thieves.
Forgive me, Lord, for opening the door to the thief. Fortify this temple for your glory. Through Christ Jesus, I pray, Amen.
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