Even if they escape destruction, Egypt will gather them, Memphis will bury them. Briars will possess their precious things of silver; thorns will be in their tents. Hosea 9:6
On some of my walks in the woods, I have found old houses and log cabins. I let my imagination run wild as I see a young family living there at one time. I see children running in the yard, a father working the field, a mother cooking a stew, and maybe even elderly grandparents sitting on the front porch. I may also see fruit trees or daffodils planted in the yard. Surrounded by thorns and briar bushes and the roof collapsed, sadly the cabin now is the rubble. The house is inhabitable, and it would be risky if I were to try and enter its space. With a sense of sadness, I know that once there was life in this place, but now I could only see traces of a life that once was.
For some reason, even newer houses seem to deteriorate more quickly when vacated, as opposed to homes which have people living in them. I would think that the use of something would wear it out more quickly, but I have seen with my own eyes that this is not true.
Hosea was a prophet who was warning the Jewish people that ruination would come if they did not turn back to God. This lesson is still pertinent to us today. When we quit going to church, reading our Bibles, praying, and practicing Christlike attributes, we neglect our spirituality. We have vacated our fellowship with home, which is in the presence of God. He never leaves us, but, at times, we most certainly do leave Him. It doesn’t take long for a spiritual decline to occur.
We find ourselves slipping back into our sinful ways, and our witness for Christ no longer shines brightly. Instead, it is buried in the dust of sin, shrouded in thorns of lies and deceit, covered with briars of pride and immorality. You see, a house uninhabited by life is only a house; however, a spiritual house becomes a home of life when we let God live in all its spaces.
Forgive me, Lord, for trying to push you out of my house. Please remind me that my home houses the King of Kings. Help me to make it not just a dwelling place but a home. Amen.
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