The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love, he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17
Our Father takes delight in us--great delight! The Bible says He will rejoice over us with singing. Have you ever heard a beautiful voice sing a song? The sound stirred your heart so much that you got chills and maybe even a tear to your eye? That is God’s voice filling the lungs with air and producing vibrations over the vocal cords He constructed with the aria He gave to some composer.
Our Maker created music that moves the soul. He also gave us the music of the world. All nature singing it’s glorious melodies conducted by the grand conductor--God Almighty. We hear the wind swish through the trees, the gentle breeze whispers, the birds warble, the cave echo, the water drip, the waterfalls cascade, the whale trumpet, the sea waves roar, the mouse squeak, and the seagulls squawk. I could go on and on filling this page with all the beautiful songs God sings over us with His nature.
The Old Testament depiction of God as our Mighty Warrior can be seen in another light, by the human one in Jesus Christ. He came meek and mild with an abundance of forgiveness, acceptance, and love. We are no longer rebuked from our sinful condition but redeemed through His sacrifice of love. He is like the mother who sits us on her lap and sings her lullaby.
He protects, guides, and is ever-present. On top of all that, He rejoices over us with singing. Every time I hear a cricket fiddle his tune, a toad belch his bass tones, a cow mooing, a goat bleating, a dove cooing, a cicada trilling in crescendos and decrescendos, or a human humming a tune or playing an instrument, I am amazed at the beautiful songs of God.
Can you hear the voice of God? Even if you live in a noisy city, stop for a moment to listen. Above the shrieking sirens, honking horns, and squealing tires, God beautiful voice is singing just for you.
Thank you, God, for rejoicing over us with your singing. Amen.
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