Peter got ready and went with them. When he arrived, they took him to the upstairs room. All the widows stood around him. They were crying and showing him the coats and other clothes that Tabitha had made during her time with them. Acts 9:39
Recently, I took my granddaughter shopping for a dress she needed for a special event for school. We had been to three stores with no real solution. Before we entered store number four, I prayed, “Dear Lord, show us to the dress that she should buy.” I turned to my granddaughter and said, “God even cares about the small things in life. You just watch.”
Tabitha was well-loved in her Christian community. The Bible says that she was a giver of clothes, money, and good things. My mother was the well-loved maker of homemade clothing in our home, and my sisters and I were grateful. Both these women were known for these things;
however, we must remember that our first dressmaker was God. He clothed Adam and Eve in the skin of animals. Now through the sacrifice of Christ, we are clothed in His righteousness. We can boldly come to the throne of God with our request, even small ones like the dress of a teenage girl.
God answered that prayer. We walked into that store and immediately found several dresses that fit the criteria, including the price. My granddaughter was ecstatic. When we got back into the car, we gave God our thankful praise.
Hopefully, my granddaughter learned a lesson that day, and when she looks back, she will not remember the dress, but the way God cares about even tiny details. Our requests show our dependence on Him. In the future, she will be faced with much greater decisions than what to wear. I hope she brings those requests, no matter how small, to God--The world’s finest dressmaker!
Gracious Father God, You hear all our prayers, even those that seem trite. We love you Lord and thank you for answering. We are Your children, and we depend solely on You. We Praise Your Holy Name, Amen.
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