Have you ever done something wrong, in secret, and it weighed heavy on your heart? God convicted you, but you knew that by confessing your sin, there could be heavy consequences to pay. Your wrong-doing was done in secret so you hoped with time it would just go away, and no one would need to know. The guilt, however, felt like a massive bolder on your shoulder, and it robbed you of all your joy.
David was not so fortunate with his transgressions. The whole world can see his sins in the pages of the Bible. Take time to read 2 Samuel 11-12. We see how David put himself in a position to be tempted, to look on this temptation, to become enticed, and finally to take the plunge deep into sin. One sin led to another of even greater gravity. We read how Nathan brought David’s sin to light and how David came to a remorseful admittance.
Fortunately for us though, God also did something for the whole world to see. He came in the flesh, blood, and the word as Jesus Christ. The king of the world, who knew no sin, was humiliated and stripped of his clothing to die with his arms spread wide open. There was nowhere on that cross for Him to hide the shame of our sins. Christ public act gave us absolution for our nasty secret sins, including David’s.
We are plagued with sinful temptations on a daily basis, and there are ways to combat them. Stop! Look! And Listen! Stop and turn away before a seed is even planted. Look the other way, which would be away from sin towards Christ. Listen only to the Holy Spirit not to the voices of temptation.
The whole world may never know our sin, but our sin is never secret from God. He already knows, and just like David, He is not at all pleased. In reality, we are not at all pleased with ourselves; we are ashamed. God’s purpose, however, is to renew not condemn. Let’s rid ourselves of the heavy weight that binds us by repenting today. God will restore the joy of our salvation.
Dear Lord, I confess my sin to you today. Please cleanse me and help me to make amends. Renew my joy. This I ask in the name of Christ Jesus, Amen.
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