Many a man proclaims his own loyalty, But who can find a trustworthy man? Proverbs 20:6
When a couple stands at an alter to proclaim their love and faithfulness to each other until they part in death, one expects that vow and promise to be true. Then, through circumstances, one may break that promise and his/her proclaimed loyalty becomes mere words. We ask ourselves, “Where can we find a person who is truly trustworthy?” Some may not have cheated in their marriage, but they can remember a time when they were not trustworthy is some area. We are all guilty.
When we make a vow on the altar of our heart to follow Christ, how loyal are we in our Christian walk? Do we faithfully allow the Lord to lead us? Do we spend each day with Christ in the word, in prayer, in meditation? Do we stick so close to His side that we know His presence in each of our daily tasks and decisions? Do we make worship and communion a priority? Most importantly, by our trustworthy attribute, can people see the love that flows out of us because of Christ Jesus?
When we follow close to His side, we will shine His light into this dark world, we will exhibit His forgiveness, and we will extend His compassion and mercy. Thus the love of God will automatically flow out of us. People, especially our children, can see a fake facade. God knows the credible reality of our hearts. He knows if we are our masquerading a false identity. Just proclaiming our loyalty shows nothing if our actions say otherwise. Who can find a trustworthy person? Let God find one in you.
Help me Lord, to always remain loyal to You. Through Christ Jesus I pray, Amen
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