Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3:2

I knew that asking God to reveal any wicked way in me was risky. It’s never fun finding out our faults and flaws. I wept in realization to something that should have been obvious all along. A dear sister in Christ brought to my attention the error of my ways. In reality, however, I believe it was an answer to my prayer. God did reveal something that needed to be confessed, and it brought me to my knees in repentance.

Paul was correct when he said that life in Christ is a Spiritual battle every day. Our wrongful ways are not always clear, such as a blatant lie, thievery, prideful thinking, or lustful thoughts. Sometimes our wrongful ways fit a gray area, such as: thoughtless words, unkind acts, passing judgements, or complaining attitudes.  

A simple way of conquering un-Christlike behavior is to reverse our thinking. I was able to remove myself and put myself in the shoes of the other person. I could see so clearly that even though I acted in love, the words came out as to put the other person in defensive mode. My thick head finally understood. I had been wrong.

If we could use this reverse thinking in all areas of our lives, we would be victorious over our daily battles. We all experience tribulations. Is there a wayward child? Did we just hear a grim medical diagnosis? Are we facing joblessness or financial difficulties? Has our best friend turned his or her back on us? Is our spouse annoying? The list could go on and on. Sometimes we can’t see anything but the problem, and this then becomes the problem as we blurt out comments that would have been better left unsaid.

Maybe if we could let our minds unfocus on the obstacles and focus on Christ, we might feel some relief. The dilemma may not be solved, but we would have peace knowing that the God of the Universe has the situation in His hands. Also, when we put ourselves in the shoes of the other person, we just might think before we speak. These are the two exact things Christ told us: Love God and love others. So, think on God and think on others.  

Instead of being fixated on our troubles, doubts, and fears, and only occasionally remembering that God is there, we need to reverse our thinking. By letting God be our primary focus, our problems will become secondary. We need to remember that what is in front of us is only temporary. What is ahead of us is forever.

Help me,Christ Jesus, to keep my mind focused on You. Amen.
