A small boy leans over and whispers in your ear, “Can you keep a secret?” Of course your answer is, “Yes,” because after all, you want to hear what the little fella has to say. It might be something like, “I like a little girl in my class,” or “I made my mom a present for her birthday,” or maybe something like, “I don’t like such and such. He’s a meany.” The secret of the little boy has been revealed to you. You smile because He is so cute.
As we grow older our secrets are many times sinful acts or thoughts, and they are anything but cute. Sometimes we look around to make sure no one is watching. Afterall, we don’t want to get caught. The problem is, God sees us, hears us, and knows our minds. Luke 12:2 says, “Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.”
When God was looking for Adam and Eve in the garden, He knew exactly where they were and what they had done. But their actions had to be brought into the light of the Holy Father God. Luke 8:17 says, “For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light.” They confessed their sins and passed the blame to someone else. Does that sound familiar even today?
God also knows the motives of our hearts. The Pharisees were concerned about Jesus not washing His hands before the meal. His reply was, “Here we see how you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup or plate, while your secret hearts are full of greed and selfishness.” Luke 11:39
All secret acts, thoughts, and motives are seen and heard by God. Do you have a secret that needs to be confessed to God? Open up and bring them into the light. It’s not really a secret because God already knows.
Father God, I know You will judge every secret thing, whether it be good or evil. Help me to bring my secret evil into Your light of forgiveness. Through Christ Jesus, Amen.
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