You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:11
In a television series called “Tidy Up,” an adorably spunky petite lady by the name of Marie Kondo breezes into a home with her cheerful attitude, helping to bring order from chaos. Her methods are grounded in bringing joy by ridding one of things that have become burdensome or no longer spark joy. Through her ideas of folding clothes to storing items by size, from things to keep to things to discard, she has helped many in the daunting task of downsizing, organizing, and decluttering.
As Christians we need ask ourselves, “Am I looking to be happy, or am I obtaining joy?” Happiness is dependant on our emotions occurring from everyday happenings. Yes, a new pair of shoes might bring temporary happiness, but does it bring joy? Joy is cultivated internally and is more consistent than happiness. True joy can be found in Christ because He is a sure foundation. He does not change with our changing moods and circumstances.
As we self-evaluate, do we conclude that we are lacking true joy? The first step to obtaining joy is to come to Christ and plant our feet on His solid ground of complete forgiveness, acceptance, and love. His total makeover of the heart brings peace, resulting in true joy.
As a Christ follower, do we find ourselves unconsciously squelching of our joyful attitude? What are the things that are stealing our attention from God? Are we placing too much emphasis on earthly things than building our wealth on heavenly things? Matthew 6:23 says, Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.
As we ask Christ to dig deep into our soul, He will reveal those things that need to be discarded. Are we clinging to habits or attitudes that no longer spark joy? Is bitterness, anger, or an unforgiving heart getting in the way of our joy? Is doubt or fear taking our eyes off of Christ? Is an unhealthy relationship hindering our joy?
Whatever the culprit may be, we need to pack it in a box and hand it over to the Lord. He is waiting with arms wide open to remove the debris. He will declutter and organize our priorities.
When Christ is priority number one, the flame of joy will burn brightly once again. What is getting in the way of your joy today?
Dearest Christ, come into my life and reorganize, declutter, and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Amen.
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