Then the master said to the servant, “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” Luke 14:23

Some of the streets in our subdivision are being replaced. I notice that it takes much equipment, manpower, and hours just to get the street ready to be paved. The workers do not come in and just pour concrete over the damaged street. They first remove the old concrete, dig out the dirt, tamp and roll it down until it’s hard and flat, build forms of wood, and add reinforcement steel; then just the right amount of gravel is applied. The last step is pouring the concrete. When it is all finished, dried, forms removed, and cleaned, the street is beautiful.

We know from scripture that John the Baptist paved the way for the ministry of Jesus; however, he was not the only one. From the first sin of Adam and Eve, to the building of the Ark, from father Abraham, to the laws of Moses, from the kings to the prophets of old, these all paved the way for salvation through Jesus Christ. From the foundation of the world, the word was God and was with Him. This was consistent with the plan he had from the beginning of time that he accomplished through Christ Jesus our Lord. (Ephesians 3:11) He became flesh and blood and lived among us.

Just like the beautiful street, Jesus’ mission was not yet completed until He suffered and died a cruel death for all of mankind. Then He rose victoriously to sit again at the right hand of the Father. Yet the street is not quite accomplished.

We as His followers are paving the way for people of the present and of the future to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The work is still in progress. A bandaid placed over an infected sore accomplishes nothing. It would be like pouring concrete over a faulty base. The sure foundation of the church is Jesus Christ. We are His workmen who not only tell the message but live the message of love.

God will come again to remove the forms (our bodies of flesh) and will make all things clean and new. The streets will be beautiful. But the Bible clearly says that Jesus’ promise of returning is delayed until all receive the message. He wants all to come to Him and desires that none should perish. 2 Peter 3:9

Our job as Christians is clear. We are to bring people to Christ through love. We are equipped by our calling of one hope in one body and spirit to proclaim the one Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It takes manpower, equipment, and time, but we are can do all things through the strengthening power of Jesus Christ who will work above us, through us, and in us to pave the way.

Thank you Christ Jesus for helping us pave the way for others to come to you. Amen
