For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, O husband, whether you will save your wife? 1 Corinthians 7:16
Dr. Charles Stanley once wrote, “We usually think of influential people as those who have authority, position, or power in the world, but in reality, we all have influence to one degree or another. The term describes the capacity to have an effect on someone else’s character, development, or behavior.” I mused over these words and realized their truth. Even a helpless baby has influence. In fact, even the baby that is developing inside a woman’s body has influence.
I remember being pregnant with my first child. I made sure to nourish and care for the body that housed this little one. I already felt love for the unborn child. Then, when my little Jimmy was born, life changed. I had many things to do in caring for this little helpless one. His presence influenced my sleep, my energy, my outings, my thoughts, and my prayers.
We each have influence even when we think we do not. As a Christian mother and wife, I strive to live a life that exemplifies Christ. When raising my children, I tried to instill a core value of Christ-like living into each one of my precious babies. I was not always successful in my actions at all times. There were times that I failed miserably, and trust me, those things have come back to haunt me. God would help me to get back up and would redirect me on His loving path of righteousness. He is so patient, kind, and forgiving.
If you think you have no influence, think again. You have an effect on your spouse, your children, your neighbor, your co-worker, and this world. What kind of ramifications do you reap from your actions?
If we keep our focus on Jesus and use His life as an example, with His help, we can leave a Godly-kingdom legacy to those around us. We do have influence, so we need to make our actions speak as loud as our words. We could never love, forgive, be patient and kind enough to a world that is groaning in pain. With God’s help, we can do all He has designed for us to accomplish!
Dear Lord, Help me to realize at all times that I am influencing this world. Help me to always be a beacon of light to those who are in darkness. Through Christ Jesus I pray, Amen.
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