There are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies. The heavenly bodies have one kind of glory, and the earthly bodies have another kind of glory. 1 Corinthians 15:40
My mother kept our home very clean and orderly. I have tried to emulate her by keeping my home neat and organized, but I also realized that when things are in their place, it gives me peace. When I think of God, the one without sin, I know His pristine kingdom brings sublime peace.
God made our earthly bodies from the dust, and life is made complicated by the dirt of sin in us. The heavenly righteous one named Jesus Christ paid the penalty for our sins. He died and was raised in glory. When we allow Him to reside in our hearts, He establishes His spotless kingdom within us.
When we allow sin inside this flawless kingdom of God, it sticks out like a stinking pile of manure on the middle of a white, shiney-floored kitchen. As Christians we feel the gravity of sin more acutely than one who resides in an already filthy house. We are keenly aware when something looks out of place or smells, and we will have no peace until it is completely removed.
Trying to hide our sins is like spraying air freshener over manure. It really doesn’t work. The only thing to remedy the problem is to get a shovel and scoop away the manure, scrub and wash the floor, and open the windows to let the fresh air remove the stench. Most importantly, we should never, ever, let it back inside again. Only Christ can accomplish this task of debris removal.
If sin is weighing heavily on your heart, count this as a blessing. The Holy Spirit is convicting you of your sin. Sin, like manure, does not belong in His pristine house. As we turn to Him in repentance, the King of Kings will clean us and make us new. We need to remind ourselves that a perfect Holy God didn’t just come for a visit but has set up residency in our hearts. Is our home fit for a King?
Dear Father, Open our eyes to any sin we are harboring. Clean us O Lord, and help us to keep ourselves fit for You. In Christ I pray, Amen.
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