So God made them all, and He was pleased with what He saw. Genesis 1:25
So most of my readers know that I have a problem with focusing; I probably have an undiagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder. My mind goes in circles at times. Anyway, I had just written a devotional and got up from my desk to take a little break. I noticed my legs itching and realized that a pesky mosquito, unbeknownst to me, had been having his dinner at the expense of my blood.
Mindshift: Jesus cursed a fig tree once. I wonder how He felt about mosquitoes? If He would curse them, would they all just wither up and die?
Mindshift: Maybe mosquitoes have value? So I put my laptop on my lap, where I can have a full view of any sneaky mosquitoes. As you know, they love to bite you in places you can’t see, like the back of your elbows and legs under a desk. I decided to do some research on the value of mosquitoes.
Well my dear readers, as you probably already know, they do have value, especially the larvae to aquatic life. So here are some of the animals that benefit from mosquitoes: fish, birds, (especially Purple Martins), bats, turtles, frogs, toads, tadpoles, dragonflies, other mosquitoes, ants, damselflies, and spiders. That is quite the list, and many of these animals would be greatly affected and maybe even become extinct by the lack of this diet.
“Oh bother!” as Winnie the Pooh says, I guess we need to be grateful for mosquitoes. I can imagine that we can liken this to the pesky problems in our lives. God can take these problems to mold us into His valuable vessels. We must always remember that God has a perfect plan and a perfect purpose for all things great and small. So instead of grumbling, just give thanks!
Dear Creator of all things, I give you thanks for all the pesky problems in my life. Give me your peace and a grateful heart for all things great and small. Through the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
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