When Joseph's brothers saw that their father was dead, they said, “What if Joseph bears a grudge against us and pays us back in full for all the wrong which we did to him!” Genesis 50:15

Have you fallen into the pit called, “Holding a Grudge”? Something has happened to you that was very wrong indeed. Someone has slandered or lied to you. Someone has stolen from you or cheated on you. Someone has treated you unkindly or has turned his or her back on you during your time of great need. You have every reason to be upset, angry, hurt, and confused.

These things have happened to all of us at one time or another in our lives, but when we come to the point of allowing festering resentment, bitterness, and self-pity to grow where we visualize revenge, our view of God is obscured. Why? Because we have fallen into the pit of grudge holding. If we allow ourselves to remain in that pit, it will hold us captive for a very long time. I have seen this happen in families where siblings have not spoken for years, parents have turned their backs on their children, and children on their parents.

This is unacceptable if we claim Christ as our Lord and Savior. We need only look at scripture to learn lessons. Joseph had every right to be bitter at his brothers who literally did throw him into a pit. But Joseph did not hold a grudge or seek retaliation. He not only welcomed his brothers but took care of their needs during a time of great famine. This was a wonderful example of forgiveness.

Jesus Christ could have held a grudge towards unbelievers, but He did not. In fact, He laid down his life for us while we were unbelieving sinners. He did not wait for us to become righteous but extended forgiveness while we were deep in sin.

So if Christ did this for us, is it proper for us to remain in our pit of Grudges? No matter how much wrong has been inflicted upon us, we need to ask for God’s help in climbing out of our pits of despair. He will extend a line of hope in which we can cling. He will pull us out and help us to rid ourselves of self pity, bitterness, and resentment. God will do the judging and sentencing. Vengeance belongs only to Him.

With God’s help you can climb out of the pit of grudges. You punish only yourself if you remain in this pit. Climbing out will free you from your burden. You will finally be able to view the beauty of God’s wonderful blessings. In a pit, you can’t see much.

Dear God, Someone has wronged me and hurt me deeply. Help me to forgive as You have forgiven me. Pull me out of my grudge pit to see Your beauty. In Christ Jesus I pray, Amen.


  1. This was just what I needed. I didn't realize I was holding a grudge against my siblings for stealing my inheritance. Afraid somehow they would do it again when Mom dies. I've given it to God. Now I hope to move on with forgiveness in my heart, thank you


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