People who tell secrets about others cannot be trusted. Those who can be trusted keep quiet. Proverbs 11:13

Pass The Message is a game that children play. According to the rules, the game begins when one person whispers a secret in someone’s ear. The secret message is said only one time; it cannot be repeated. If the listener does not hear it correctly, then he/she must pass on what they think they heard to the next person. The last person to receive the message must verbalize what he/she heard. Usually the message is drastically changed from the original, and sometimes it is nonsensical. It can be quite comical.

Passing a rumor can be similar to this children’s game. Usually it is a story which has flavor of deprecating criticism concerning someone. This rumor is then passed on to other listening ears, but each is told as it was received. Because our brain will fill in the blanks as we make subjectively-based interpretations, we can actually be spreading evil without realizing the consequences. If it reaches the recipient of the story, it could be totally changed to cause hurt feelings, anger, deception, and betrayal. This is not comical in the least, and it is definitely not a child’s game but a very harmful adult sin.

The Bible tells us that it is wrong to pass hurtful rumors, especially when we use the fake mask of Christian concern. Now we are not only passing a rumor but telling a falsehood. We just love a juicy story, but it’s wise not to listen and especially not to pass it on to others. The only one to whom we should pass these rumors is to God in our private prayers.

When we seek to spread the faults of someone, we are passing a self-righteous judgement on them. The backlash of spreading hurtful rumors in actuality passes judgement on ourselves. If we want to be a trustworthy Christian, we need to keep quiet.

Dear Father, Stop my ears from hurtful rumors, and stop my lips from spreading them. Forgive me for the times I did not heed your warnings. Amen.
