And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:5
It is impossible, even in theory to trap light. Even if the perfect mirror were created to only bounce light, it would not work. A photon which is a particle representing a quantum of light can be trapped, but it will lose its energy with time; however, the initial energy cannot be trapped. Physicists calculated centuries ago that an object with enough gravity could trap light, and theoretically a black hole is supposed to fit that bill.
This is far above my scientific expertise, but I think we all acknowledge light, in the form that we know, see, feel, and watch the affects on us and the world. We know that even light from long ago and very far away, as from a star, can travel through the blackness of deep space, yet still come out on the other end to be received by our eyes and interpreted by our brains. It is not consumed in its dark travels.
Jesus was called the Light Of The World. Nothing and no one could overcome this light. We know from scripture that sin and true motives would be exposed in His light. Read Matthew 22. The Pharisees and the Sadducees were trying to trap Jesus. I guess they were too blind to realize that light could not be trapped. They were considered the most learned men of the day, yet the light of their wisdom was not even a tiny spark next to the light of Jesus.
The first trap was in verses 15-22, the second in 22-23, and the third in 34-38. Jesus shed His light in all of these situations: on their evil ways (vs.18), that Jesus’ value system is not from this world (vs. 21), that God is a God of life (vs.32), and God is a God of love (vs.37-40). Jesus was not deceived by the true motives of these scholars because light cannot be trapped.
Jesus saw their evil attempts and decided to set a righteous snare for them in verses 41-43. “What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is he?” He still asks us this question today. Just who do we believe that Jesus is? Is He the light, the life, the love? Is He the fulfillment of scripture? Is He the Son of the Most High God? Is He the Savior of the world?
Close your eyes for a moment and think about light. Even through your closed eyelids the light comes through. Light has an energy all of its own, yet it has no mass. We believe in light, so why can’t we believe in God? We receive the energy from light, so why can’t we receive the love that comes from God? His light and love with no boundaries will come into us when we receive Him. Our darkness will be eradicated as Christ illuminates us from within. It will then spill out of us onto others because light cannot be trapped.
Thank you Father God for speaking light into existence and for giving us the Light Of The World. Amen
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