I gave My back to those who struck Me, and My cheeks to those who plucked out the beard; I did not hide My face from shame and spitting. Isaiah 50:6

When I was in fifth grade, I remember the amount of homework being much greater than it had been compared to prior grades. It was definitely infringing on my playtime with my brother who was in kindergarten and had very little homework. I remember one day in particular. It was a beautiful afternoon, and I sat inside and worked on those dreaded math problems and spelling words. I peered out the window through my tear-filled eyes and longed to be out there in the yard, romping in the sun.

Since then I have had to do many other things I did not particularly enjoy: never ending mundane jobs, paying taxes, having painful medical tests, relocating, or making decisions concerning loved ones. We are all asked to do things that we may not relish, but we know that doing these things is better than ignoring them.

Feeling concerned, dread, or even a hope that we can get around some tasks is a normal response. Jesus did not necessarily look with great happiness towards the torture He was going to face. He knew that the sacrifice for our sins would be at the expense of His life. In Luke 22:42 Jesus prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” In the book of Matthew it says that He prayed this more than once. But Jesus did not hide His face from shame, spitting, beard pulling, hitting, or thorn wearing. He obey out of His great love for the Father and for mankind.

The Holy Spirit is nudging us to obey His call. He does not ask us to do things He will not equip us to accomplish in His name. We are not required to die an ugly death on a cross for the sins of the world. Many times He just nudges us to forgive, love, pray, listen, do, and go. Why do we act as if He is asking too much?

We should never grumble, complain, delay, or run away from obeying the nudge of the Spirit. Jonah did that, and he found himself in the belly of a fish. We need to just dive into the water of faith, trust God, and obey His call.

Dear Father, Thank you for the Holy Spirit who nudges me to do tasks. Help me to obey. Amen
