In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1
It’s a brand new year. We flip our calendars over, and we often make plans to flip over a new leaf. Usually, our resolutions include self improvements such as lose weight, quit smoking, exercise more, further an education, eat more healthy, spend more time with family or friends, etc. These are all great things to accomplish, but maybe it’s time to make some spiritual resolutions.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Maybe our beginning for the new year is to first allow God to create a new heart in us. He will do that when we acknowledge who He is, repent of our sins, and accept what He did for us through the grace of His son, Jesus.
The second resolution could be to spend time in prayer each day. It does not need to be for hours as some pastors preach. They have time to do that--they are paid to do that. But the everyday man or woman who is working and raising a family may have limited time. Pray each day, and then say mini prayers all day such as thank you, help me, forgive me, help him/her, guide me, show me, and praise You. When you hit the bed at night say, “Thank you and I love you, Amen.” God will hear you.
A third resolution could be to spend time in the Bible. Again, pastors are paid to study all day if they wish, but for the busy mom or dad, just take a minute, even when you are using the bathroom if need be, to read a scripture. Maybe print out a verse and take it with you. Put it above your desk. Let the words soak into your heart and mind throughout the day. You will be blessed.
A fourth resolution is just to be more joyful. Our pastor once asked the congregation, “Did you know that baseball is in the Bible?” With inquisitive expressions we responded, “It is?” “Yes,” he answered, “In Genesis 1:1 it says, ‘In the Big Inning.’”
So it was a corny joke, but I hope it made you smile. Being a Christian is not synonymous with being a stuffed shirt, sad sap, or having a stone cold expression. Christ brings us life, joy, peace, and love. So much are we blessed that our face should reflect His indwelling spirit with a big smile. We could all add the new year resolution to have an attitude of joy and contentment.
Thank you Lord for allowing your joy to flow through me, to give me strength. Through Christ I pray, Amen.
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