The spirit of the living beings was in the wheels. So wherever the spirit went, the wheels and the living beings also went.  Ezekiel 1:20

This was a spinning-my-wheels sort of day. I had my check list of things to do, but life’s detours of interruptions caused me to show very little for my efforts. I was very busy but accomplished nothing, or at least, so it seemed to me.

Ezekiel had a spinning wheel visual and spiritual experience. He describes the wheel inside of a wheel going in all directions. It was surrounded by eyes on all sides. Many centuries later there are only theories as to what exactly these wheels were. You can read many commentaries which have something different to say about the wheels. There are those who even think they were spaceships. You can look up different images on the internet to see different renditions of these wheels. There was even a song written about Ezekiel’s wheels.

We could spin our wheels in speculation, but the prophet and priest Ezekiel did not spin his wheels trying to dissect his vision. Instead, he devoured the words God gave him, and in turn, he fulfilled his Godly mission to spread this message to the exiled Jews in Babylonia. Though the words were sweet to Ezekiel’s mouth, they would be bitter to the listening ears. Of all the prophets in those days, he was probably the most forceful in his style of writing and preaching, warning the Jews of the coming destruction and restorations of Israel.

In our Christian walk, do we spend too much time spinning our wheels instead of completing the mission God has designed for us? We need to be forceful and direct in our growth in Christ, our deliverance of a message of hope to the world, our prayer life, and our love for each other. We need to be willing to veer off “our” to-do list to agreeably go on God’s detours.

When we live in Christ, just like the eyes on Ezekiel’s wheels, we can know that God’s eyes are on us continually. Ezekiel’s wheels with living beings moved, and wherever they moved, the spirit moved with them. We also have the Holy Spirit who goes with us wherever we go guiding, guarding, and empowering us to fulfill God’s plan. We need to quit spinning our wheels on trivial matters and get to the heart of the matter--God’s list.  It would be wonderful to one day face Him and see that His to-do list for us is all checked off as completed.

Help me Lord Jesus to live in Your will each day, accomplishing all that You would have me to do. Amen
