This is what God in his wisdom decided: Since the world did not find him through its own wisdom, he used the message that sounds foolish to save those who believe it. 1 Corinthians 1:21
My message is Christ loves us and died for the sins of the world. This is the simplified version, although there is much more to the story. I am not sure why God impressed upon me to spread this message when I understand so little. The message has been told many times through all the ages by those much more educated than I. I am not a philosopher, a law expert, or anyone in this world who is skilled in making clever arguments, as Paul writes in Corinthians, but yet God has called me and all who follow Him to do this task.
This message may seem nonsense for those with great earthly wisdom, yet at the same time, it confuses the understanding of the intelligent. I cannot show you miraculous signs. A brilliant mind, I have not. I hold no great degree or own a fancy office. I have no great influence, neither do I come from an important family. I am just a mother and grandmother who listens to God, who studies His word, who kneels and prays, and who pecks away at her keyboard in her closet. In the eyes of the world, I am a nobody. But God calls the nobodies to be a somebody in Him.
Some may call me foolish, and that title is fine with me. Because Christ first loved me, then a fool for Christ I shall be. Thus, I tell my stories, and I have brothers and sisters in Christ who keep me accountable if I have misunderstood the scripture, taken the word out of context, or spoken incorrectly. For that I am grateful and humbled.
I conclude with Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 1: 27-31, “But God chose what the world considers foolish to shame the wise. God chose what the world considers weak to shame the strong. And God chose what the world considers low-class and low-life—what is considered to be nothing—to reduce what is considered to be something to nothing. So no human being can brag in God’s presence. It is because of God that you are in Christ Jesus. He became wisdom from God for us. This means that he made us righteous and holy, and he delivered us. This is consistent with what was written: The one who brags should brag in the Lord!”
When we go into the world and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the filling of His Spirit, we will speak with His power, His strength, and His wisdom. We must never forget that all bragging rights go to the Creator of all things, and it's an honor to be a fool for Him.
When we go into the world and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the filling of His Spirit, we will speak with His power, His strength, and His wisdom. We must never forget that all bragging rights go to the Creator of all things, and it's an honor to be a fool for Him.
Thank you Lord for using me. I give you all the glory through Christ Jesus, Amen.
Thanks for the Amen! Love you Patty!