Oh magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. Psalm 34:3
We were looking through microscopes lined up in a row on a table. Each slide had a different item to be viewed. The magnifying glass within the microscope made everything appear giant, in fact, so big that only one little piece could be seen such as: the mark on a butterfly wing, the hard shell of the beetle, the vein of a leaf, or the design within a blade of grass.
Mom and I took dad, who was well into the later stages of his Alzheimer disease, from station to station to get a peek. Dad could still communicate, but he was so much like a child. We were not sure he understood what he was seeing. Poor dad, who had once been alive and vibrant, now lived in a fog most the time.
Then we reached one particular microscope where we were instructed to put whatever we wished under the lens. We decided to do our finger. When dad placed his finger in there and took a look, his eyes lit up with such wonder. We were glad to see that big smile as he finally comprehended what he viewed.
While here on earth, we are to magnify the Lord, but this kind of magnification is speaking of the exaltation we give to God. We acclaim, appreciate, celebrate, and proclaim His name to the world. We stand in awe and wonder of the mighty works of His hands, and we try, like a magnifying glass, to broadcast and make larger than life His name and deeds. Yet we will never be able to amplify what we really do not fully comprehend.
When the fog of this world is lifted and our eyes are clear to see Him face to face, then we will know. The Bible says that we are looking through a dim glass. Our simple minds can only imagine within its limitations. Some day we will truly experience God as we gasp in astonishment at all His glory. We could never exalt perfectly the greatness and vastness of God.
When we see the moon and stars through a high-powered telescope, we are moved at the sight. When we see things through a magnifying glass, we are amazed. When we see Jesus, we will be dumbfounded at His magnificence. The veil will be lifted from our eyes, and the fog of life will melt away. Our eyes will be open to see as we have never seen before and to comprehend our view of God in His majesty.
Dear Father God, We magnify your name, and we yearn for the day when we will see you face to face. Through Christ Jesus we pray, Amen
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